We only do a couple of these retreats a year, they are only for people who have done at least one of our retreats before and are crazy enough to come back for more.
It’s a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with your mindful mates, plug back into stillness and advance your practice.
We’d love to see you again
It’s easy to get lost in the world again, the stress and strains of life have a habit of pulling you back – That’s okay getting lost is part of it too. that’s when you learn and grow.
But a really good mindfulness reboot will most definitely help, join us for a truly transformative weekend you’ll be surprised just how quickly you plug back into mindfulness – You’ll have a great time it will put you back on track and open up a far deeper understanding
We have a fabulous new venue Burwell House a beautiful 17th-century manor house set in 3 acres in Cambridgeshire – the facilities are much better and we have 13 toilets and showers!!!. The days of mindful leg crossing are over
We’ve got a whole new line-up for you too,
Connie and The Alchemical Brothers Sound Baths will take you on a profound journey of sound and vibration. – Sometimes crazy things happen in these sound baths – profound healing emotionally and physically – Take a look at some of our podcasts and testimonials
Kirtan, Simon and Connie’s devotional singing channelled directly from the source is so beautiful it makes grown men cry. If you like watching grown men cry you’ll love this
Steven’s school of meditation – Steve loves these more advanced retreats, the energy is stronger because you all bring energy with you. This opens up new possibilities for meditation and a shift in the group’s collective consciousness – It can get quite wild at times.
Somatic Yoga You don’t have to go to California or India to experience the benefits of Somatic Yoga Connie will bring it to you in Burwell on the edge of the Cambridgeshire fens. You don’t need to be flexible or very mobile or wear lycra
Emotional clearing and a whole new programme of teaching.
"There is only one time when it is essential to awaken - That time is now"
Now you’ve been practising mindfulness and meditation for a while you see that although real-world issues, stress depression anxiety or whatever brought you here, it’s not really about that. Mindfulness and meditation are about something much more important than that. – Awakening, breaking free of the deception and destruction of the mind-made self (Tiny Mind) and connecting with the Great Mind beyond identity and limitation
"A New World is coming into being
you are the architects"
The Egoic state of consciousness has reached the end – it’s reached peak madness. The suffering and destruction it creates within each of us and the world as a whole is driving millions to awaken –
If you are reading this then you are ready. You are ready to break free from the dream of ego, step out of the drama and limitations of the voice in your head and find true liberation.
From the very outset, we will help you to enter the clear blue sky of Satori a state of mind free of thought, a higher state of mind from where you can break free of your conditioning, indoctrination and limited mind-made sense of self
not only will you learn how to escape the ego’s grip but additionally you’ll discover how to align yourself with the Great Mind -the mind beyond your thoughts and how to overcome unhelpful patterns of behaviour, your self-imposed limitations and break free of your programming.
Together we’ll explore the nature of Karma and how to heal our karmic debt and consciously manifest the world of our choosing
“Satori’ is the gap in the clouds to enable you to see the blue skies above”
The term mindfulness seems contradictory, why call it mindfulness when we are emptying our minds of thoughts? Surely mind-emptiness would be more appropriate?
Mindfulness is a Buddhist term, when Buddha talked of mindfulness he was referring to the fullness of mind. Buddha taught that everything is mind, even the rocks and stones are mind, everything in existence appears within that great conscious mind of which you are a tiny fragment and also ultimately the whole too.
As the thinking mind quietens and space appears between our thoughts grows, we begin to access a state of mind beyond our understanding, beyond reason, beyond belief, the infinite mind from which all material existence arises. Indeed this is the core of mindfulness
Over the course of three days, we will take you on a journey that goes nowhere and takes no time at all. A journey into the space within the atom and the space that holds the universe together. We will transcend the analytical conditioned mind and together explore a mind beyond reason a mind beyond understanding a mind of infinite potential and touch the core of your being.
You can arrive any time after 5 pm we’ll have a warm welcome and a hot drink ready for you. You’ll get the chance to settle into your accommodation we are a friendly bunch and we want to put you at ease and let any stress you are carrying dissolve and the magic start to work.
7 pm Dinner Home-cooked vegetarian food (vegan / Gluten-free option)
8 pm Welcome talk and introductions
9 pm Evening Meditation with Steve – Yoga Nidra – Gong bath
Chill out and fun and games around the campfire
Satori is a Japanese Buddhist term for awakening. “Satori’ is the gap in the clouds to enable you to see the blue skies above”.
Ade and Steve will lead you into the experience of Satori clearing the clouds of thought from your mind and into a place of clear blue thoughtless clarity. You learn the 3 main techniques for achieving thoughtless awareness and access to the greater mind.
We’ll explore Mindfulness and metaphysics and discover the keys to the matrix. You’ll learn how to observe the Ego, conditioning and how to break free of conditioned patterns and identification with form. How to escape your conditioning and the deception of your perception. How to see beyond the matrix break free of the control structures and expand your mind to new infinite possibilities
Chi Gong, Teaching – Satori Clear blue sky, School Of Meditation, Teaching – Ego, Great Mind, Tiny Mind. Gong bath. who am I meditation
Evening meditation sound bath
You’ll learn the art of conscious creation, the nature of Karma and how it’s expressed in the present moment. You’ll learn how with mindfulness you can break the cycle of suffering, heal your Karma and express a new world into being
Your mindfulness doesn’t end with you. Your state of being your emotional-energetic expression creates your reality. We’ll explore you can consciously shift your vibrational expression and bring more light peace and abundance into the world
Chi Gong, Teaching – Beyond the self, New Karma, conscious creation Emotional clearing, conscious creation mediation
My mental health had never been good, an anxious child became a neurotic and fearful teenager and by the age of 14, I’d already developed an unhealthy dependence upon alcohol. By my mid-30s it was manifesting into full-blown alcoholism and a whole collection of other addictive behaviours, anxiety disorders, and chronic debilitating depression. To put it bluntly, I was a mess.
Steve first came on a Now Project 9 years ago whilst struggling with depression and addiction.
The weekend retreat changed his life and helped him overcome depression and his addictions and set him on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.
April 11th – 13th
Burwell House Cambridgeshire
Fully inclusive: Prices are per person and include all teaching, workshops, and full board.
Skill level: Intermediate, Advanced
£100 deposit to secures your place – Balance due 28 days before the retreat
3-day intensive mindfulness and meditation retreat
April 11th – 13th
A choice of accommodation for all budgets
Burwell House is lovely old stately home dating from the late 1700’s set in 3 acres of landscaped gardens including many specimen trees and orchard. meadows and wildlife pond the building is well equipped with numerous showers and toilets two fabulous teaching rooms and lovely indoor and outdoor dining areas.
We have a range of accommodation to suit all budgets – Shared rooms same biological sex unless of course you come as couple (shared twin). We don’t use the top bunks!
Deluxe Single £459 Sorry Booked
Deluxe Shared twin – £429 pp
Shared Twin – £349 pp private room for two
Shared room – £349pp
Prices are per person and include all teaching, workshops, full board and refreshments
Burwell House, North Street, Burwell, Cambridgeshire, CB25 0BB
(Satnav postcode – CB25 0EF)
Getting There
Burwell House is located within the Fen edge village of Burwell, approximately 12 miles North East of Cambridge. We are within 10 minutes drive of the A11 and A14 – and are thus within an hours drive of most of East Anglia and the M25.
Burwell House is situated 20 minutes drive from Ely and Newmarket railway stations, 45 minutes drive from Stansted Airport and are on a bus route from Cambridge.
All meals are vegetarian with vegan and gluten-free options – Please advise of any food intolerances we need to cater for.
April 11th – 13th
£349 Fully Inclusive £100 deposit secures your place
The Now Project is an ever growing mindful community, through our Mindfulness retreats.
We are actively bringing people together and helping each other to discover a better way of living!
We’d love you to join us. One Love x
The Now Project : Castle House Kings Hill Sudbury CO10 0EH
Telephone : 01787 252213
Email : hello@lovelifelivenow.com
Copyright © 2024 The Now Project. All rights reserved.