Karma, the key to conscious creation
Recorded at our last Fullness of Mind Retreat in August How to break free of your Karmic cycles. You can heal your Karmic debt and
We are a bunch of ordinary people just like you.
Mindfulness and Meditation have helped us overcome our personal challenges and find well-being that we never knew existed.
Together, we are glimpsing the amazing possibilities that living mindfully offers us as individuals and the world as a whole.
Stay a while and explore the website
Now Project Retreats are perfect for complete novices and mindfulness masters alike. Recommended staff pick on bookretreats.com
These retreats are for for people who have done at least one of our retreats before. Reconnect with your mindful buddies and take your mindfulness to a new level.
Hannah recounts her journey of awakening. A fortuitous encounter with The Now project set her on an incredible journey of transformation and awakening.
Nicky’s inspiring story of recovery and transformation through mindfulness and meditation.
Dave recounts his inspiring story of recovery from addiction and suicidal depression to awakening – Surrender and the Universal mind.
Let’s support each other through the Global Awakening – Spread the Love
Explore The Now Project Community – Connect with others, explore free resources to help your practice and find out about the free weekly Zoom class. Join our email newsletter to keep up to date.
Mindfulness helps you create some quiet space in your mind to break the endless loop of unhappy and depressed thinking.
Read more: Mindfulness for Depression
This isn’t a “hanging on by your fingernails one day at a time” kind of recovery, but real recovery. You see, through mindfulness and meditation, we’ve found what we were looking for all along. We don’t need our addictions, they never really worked anyway!
We can help you find that quiet space in a matter of hours and show you how to find some mental quiet and rest from your worries problems and head dramas and get some real peace in your day today life
Read more: Mindfulness for Anxiety
There are people who will tell you you can take the spirituality out of mindfulness and reduce it to a series of techniques or a tool of psychology. Well they are wrong – you can’t
Read more: Mindfulness for Spiritual Awakening
Meditation, Chi Kung, Yoga, Sound & Vibration are all powerful portals to mindfulness.
If you really want to understand mindfulness, get all your mindfulness books together sit on them and meditate. Meditation will give you a direct experience of what the books can only point towards.
The Alchemical Brothers will expertly help you enter a state of being called “Sound Yogic sleep” a heightened energy-stimulated awareness which at the same time is deeply calming and restorative.
Explore how Yoga and Chi kung can be the perfect portal to mindful awareness.
Read more: Mindful Yoga
Recorded at our last Fullness of Mind Retreat in August How to break free of your Karmic cycles. You can heal your Karmic debt and
This sound bath is off the scale – The Now Project retreat September 2024
Impromptu Kirtan at our last mindfulness retreat https://youtu.be/cuJakm_2MMIhttps://youtu.be/Lj6veMnAyTY
Explore the wonderful possibilities that mindfulness and meditation has to offer.
Meet some wonderful people and you’ll learn something that can transform your life.
Retreats held throughout the year.
The Now Project is an ever growing mindful community, through our Mindfulness retreats.
We are actively bringing people together and helping each other to discover a better way of living!
We’d love you to join us. One Love x
The Now Project : Castle House Kings Hill Sudbury CO10 0EH
Telephone : 01787 252213
Email : hello@lovelifelivenow.com
Copyright © 2024 The Now Project. All rights reserved.