The Now Project The Movie

Mindfulness for awakening – a transformative retreat Created by our great friend Fathy Join us in the great awakening

Blessed are the disobedient

God Bless The Disobedient If you only got into Mindfulness because you had tried everything else and were desperate to find relief from your mental suffering, to escape some neurosis, or you simply wanted to quieten your mind so that you could get the edge in a competitive world, then you need to understand one […]

It’s all happening NOW – can you feel the excitement?

It’s all happening now can you feel the excitement? It’s happening it really is. Something is emerging now that is truly amazing, I have to be mindful of my excitement because if it gets into my head and becomes the future I’ll be in big trouble – It’s not happened yet so I don’t […]

Transcending your ego – fullness of mind retreat

Transcending your ego From our Fullness of mind retreat April 23   Playlist 6 Videos Learning and intelligence 0:16 Ego and attachemnt 11.29 Identity and suffering 0:16 Ego and mind control How to escape mind control 12.59 Mindful activism 11.45 Video from our fullness of mind retreat April 23 – Video from our fullness of […]

Spiritual Activism – Mindfulness For World Transformation

mindfulness activism podcast

Mindfulness for world transformation Adrian and Travis on the ONE podcast Meditation to help addictions – Higher levels of consciousness – How to tap into our higher minds – The Now Project – Waking up from the dream – We create most of our own suffering in our mind – The layers of awakening – […]

Meet your ego – the great deceiver

Fullness of mind retreat April 23 Fullness of Mind Retreat APRIL 23 Playlist 4 Videos Learning and Intelligence 17;39 Ego and Attachment 11:22 Identity an Suffering 11:43 Ego’s Tricks and Games 11;24

The difference between learning and intelligence

The difference between learning and intelligence If you experience the world through your learning and believe this is the highest intelligence you have, then you are screwed – you are about to be replaced by chat Gpt, a technology that can access all learning and process it thousands of times faster than you can. With […]

Mindfulness makes you healthier – It’s official

Mindfulness make you healthier – It’s official It has always seemed obvious to me that mindfulness is good for your health. We’ve known for decades that chronic stress destroys the immune system and leaves you vulnerable to illness, there’s a strong link between anger and heart disease and we all know that grief can be […]

Why Mindfulness is the most important thing there is

Why Mindfulness is the most important thing there is We pay so much attention to doing – doing more, doing better, doing more efficiently and filling every space with more doing. But we pay so little attention to the most critical thing there is – our state of being. Your state of mind when you […]

The slow lane

The slow lane I took my old mum shopping today, she loves a ride around Morrisons in her wheelchair it’s a chance to get out of the house and engage with other people and we’ll invariably end up chatting with someone – It’s good for the soul   There was a long queue for the checkout […]