Mindfulness and Meditation Retreat

What Our Guests Say
"Can’t recommend this highly enough! This was the most amazing weekend, met the most amazing people and came away feeling so incredibly positive and calm". Becca
Healing & Magical
"What Adrian and his amazing team achieved in a weekend was more healing than 20 years of phycologist therapy, I'm healing more and more each day, and I can't recommend this amazing and magical experience enough" Emerald .
Life Changing
"This retreat is a life changing experience and I’d recommend it to everyone. It was wonderful in every way." Amanda
Fun & Friendly
"Hi Adrian, Thanks again for the amazing experience your retreat provided over the weekend. I can’t even begin to describe what a positive difference it’s made to my life, but I’ll attempt to put it into words" Emma
I had my complete spiritual awakening and for that I am grateful. To have seen the white light for the first time was a surreal experience for me. I didn’t expect it and I feel enlightened. Something has massively shifted within me.
Caring & Supportive
Hello beautiful beings ..thank you so much for your supportive positive energy you shared the weekend , from my heart I felt it all ... was so good to be around people on a level of the most high ,.. unconditional love to you all xx Zena

“There is a Happier Healthier and more Fulfilling way of living available to you right now"

Join us for a weekend of love, laughter, and learning and discover a profoundly better way of living at our Mindfulness and Meditation retreats.

Spring / Summer Dates

March 14-16 / May 9-11/ June 27-29/ July 18 -20

£349 all-inclusive

Burwell House Cambridgeshire

Take the weight off your mind

How much better would you feel if you could find some quiet space in your mind and rest from your worries? Or be able to let go of those problems or that issue that goes round and round in your head? 

My guess is that you’ll feel a whole to better and get a whole lot more out of life. 

We’ll help you find that quiet space in your head within hours of your arrival and it’s really very simple to show you how to do it for yourself, but that is just the start really and once you begin to cultivate some quiet space in your head, a whole new world opens up to you

Less stress - more peace

You’ll completely unwind on our retreats, you’ll meet some great people and we’ll have a lot of fun too. But you’ll also take away an experience and learning that can completely transform your life

You’ll learn how to be

  • Happier Healthier
  • Get more enjoyment from life
  • Lift depression,
  • tackle illness,/manage pain
  • Addiction Recovery
  • Heal trauma
  • and if you really want to take this to its conclusion. how to navigate your Spiritual awakening

The Now Project Retreats are for Everyone

Now Project Mindfulness Retreats are for everyone who wants to explore the wonderful possibilities that Mindfulness and meditation have to offer.

Whether you come to mindfulness and meditation to find well-being, help ease stress, relieve depression, tackle illness, or addiction, or because you are experiencing a spiritual awakening, The Now Project mindfulness retreats are for you.

If you come on your own (many of our guests do) you won’t be alone for long, we are a fun friendly bunch and really special friendships are made on our mindfulness and meditation retreats – you’ll be amazed how quickly that connection happen

Perfect for complete novices and mindfulness masters alike

New to mindfulness? You’ll discover everything that you need to be mindful and how to bring mindfulness into your everyday life. If you already have a mindfulness and meditation practice then these weekends will take your awareness to a whole new level. They are great fun, the food is fantastic, you’ll meet some wonderful people and you’ll learn something that can transform your life.

Life Changing

We can tell you how life-changing our Mindfulness and meditation retreats are but you wouldn’t believe us – it’s best you hear it directly

“Join us for a weekend of fun, laughter and learning and discover a profoundly better way of living”

What are our retreats about?

It’s great to learn Mindfulness from books or lectures, but in truth Mindfulness is an experience, and books and lectures can only point you in the right direction.

Mindfulness can’t be grasped intellectually because it isn’t a theory, a belief, or anything to do with mental gymnastics. It’s is a state of being. It’s a heightened state of alert awareness that allows your mind to go quiet.

Then you can rest from the constant mental chatter, your problems, worries and head dramas and get on with the really important issue of enjoying your life.

Experience Mindfulness for Real

The basic principles of Mindfulness are really simple and there isn’t much to understand. Mindfulness is all about practice and direct experience. And that is what our Mindfulness retreats  are about, we’ll teach you everything that you need to know to practice, but more importantly, you’ll get to experience mindfulness for real and live it for an extended period.

From the outset we’ll help you to achieve a deep state of mindfulness and the retreat is designed to help you maintain your mindfulness for much of the weekend with fun activities – sound healing yoga meditation and chi kung. And that will teach you more about mindfulness than any book, lecture or smartphone app ever can.

We have a wonderful team who can hold a high degree of mindful attention. They will help keep you mindful in between the classes and advance your practice to a new level.

Fun Friendly Relaxed

We won’t make you dress in robes or sit facing a wall for hours, there’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s just not our style. We prefer to teach mindfulness our own way, we have a modern, plain-talking approach to mindfulness, the teaching is no less profound but we want to make it accessible relaxed and fun. It is a holiday after all.

Go on, treat yourself, and book yourself on our Mindfulness Retreat Weekend everyone deserves a holiday from their head – even you!

Mindfulness Classes

Mindfulness is really simple to learn – over the weekend you’ll benefit from five life-changing classes

1 Mindfulness the basics, 

2. The way of the body. 

3 Mindfulness of emotions, 

4. The energy of mindfulness 

5. Mindfulness in the real world

Mindfulness and Meditation Retreats For Everyone The Now Project


We all prefer different forms of meditation – one is not better than the other as they all ultimately take you to the same place. Steve’s school of meditation and attention training is a lot of fun and a great laugh (or cry if that’s what you need) you’ll get to experience many different meditation forms so you can choose a meditation practice that suits you. 

Mindful Yoga

Body focussed meditation practices like Yoga and chi Kung  can be powerful vehicles to mindful living – These are optional classes (there are other “way of the body” activities for you to choose from) but all you Yoga enthusiasts will love this you’ll get to explore authentic traditional Indian Yoga and discover how your yoga routine can become part of your mindfulness training and a vehicle to awakening

Sound Healing

The Alchemical Brothers will gently guide you into a state of  being called “Sound Yogic sleep” a heightened energy-stimulated awareness which at the same time is deeply calming and restorative 

They will then help you journey further inward into perceiving and connecting with the healing vibrations and energies in and around you.

We've got a great weekend lined up for you

Click on the tabs below for the daily line up

You can arrive any time after 5 pm we’ll have a warm welcome and a hot drink ready for you. You’ll get the chance to settle into your accommodation we are a friendly bunch and we want to put you at ease and let any stress you are carrying dissolve and the magic start to work.

7 pm Dinner  Home-cooked vegetarian food (vegan / Gluten-free option)

8 pm Welcome talk and introductions

9 pm Evening Meditation with Steve – Yoga Nidra – Gong bath

Chill out and fun and games around the campfire

8.00 am Wake Up With Connie – Mindful Yoga – Connie is a wonderful insightful teacher and will show you how, through yoga, you can find space in your mind and connect to the body

or Meditation with Simon 

9 am Breakfast

10.00 am The Fundamentals of Mindfulness – Adrian will explore the basics of mindfulness and help you enter a state of Satori – clearing the clouds of thought from your mind and into a place of clear blue thoughtless clarity. You learn the main techniques for achieving thoughtless awareness. It’s wonderful to be able to switch off your problem, worries and head drama, but it’s just the start really and Adrian will explore with you the life-changing possibilities this offers you

Break – Tea Coffee Cake

12.30 pm The Way of the Body – Adrian will explore an approach to mindfulness favoured by the late great Master Thich Nhat Hahn called The Way of the Body. The alignment of mind and body is the most perfect way to cultivate mindfulness and bring it into your everyday life. Mindful walking, mindful eating mindful breathing, mindful everything. Featuring the famous standing in a queue meditation and forest bathing. (It’s alright, you keep your clothes on)

1.15 pm Chi Gong with Steve – Chi Gong is an ancient form of moving meditation a simple system of mindful movements which form the basis of Tia Chi It’s the perfect meditation for people who struggle with traditional “seated” meditation – chi Gong it awakens the body and helps to centre your mind. (don’t worry if you have limited mobility you can even do Chi Gong sitting down)

2 pm Lunch

3.00 pm Mindful Walk – The art of mindful walking, never going anywhere, but always arriving. How to turn the simple act of walking into the most beautiful meditation experience. As the thinking subsides your senses come alive and a whole new world comes into view

3.45 pm Mindful sitting – You’ll learn how to come alive to your senses and live fully and intensely awake. As your mind falls silent your senses come alive and a whole new world comes into view

Break – Tea Coffee Cake

5.00 pm School of Meditation – Steve’s passion for meditation has taken him on an incredible journey of exploration, he’s explored many meditation practices, lived in Ashrams in India and studied with gurus and masters, Steve will explore a number of different techniques.

7 pm Dinner

8.30 pm Evening Meditation – Sound bath

Chill out and fun and games around the campfire

7.00 am Yoga with Connie – mindful yoga

or a Lay in

8.00 am Breakfast

9.00 am Mindfulness of Emotions – Adrian will explore the art of self-mastery – how to feel and process painful emotions in your body, without reacting to them and thereby spreading more pain and suffering into the world. You’ll discover that you don’t need to fear or avoid painful emotions, that they are not bigger than you and they need not ruin your quality of life. You’ll learn how to manage emotions consciously and move away from reaction towards right action from a place of calm and clarity.

10.30 am Break

11.00 am – Vedic breathwork meditation with Steve

12.00 Break

12.30 pm The Energy Of Mindfulness – As the thinking mind quietens we begin to perceive a more subtle energetic dimension to reality. We’ll explore the energy of mindfulness and touch upon the potential for healing and ultimately world transformation

1.15 pm Emotional Clearing Meditation – This is a powerful meditation and fantastic for healing unresolved emotional pain. Many of the people who come back to our retreats time and time again come for this experience. You’ll love it.

2.30 pm Lunch

3.30 pm What Now? – How to maintain your mindfulness and create a brighter world – ongoing support.

4.00 pm Retreat ends


Mindfulness and Meditation Retreats For Everyone The Now Project

Adrian Rides

Mindfulness came into Adrian’s life in 1999 when he was in a dark place with anxiety depression and alcoholism. He soon discovered that with mindfulness he could escape his troubled mind. Ever since he has been helping others find their way out of their mental suffering and discover a fundamentally better way of living

Mindfulness and Meditation Retreats For Everyone The Now Project

Steve Dixon

Steve came on a Now Project Mindfulness retreat in 2014 suffering severe depression and addictions. He realised that mindfulness and meditation was the solution and embarked on a ten-year journey of discovery – he has lived in Ashrams in India and studied with masters and Gurus’ – He’d love to share with you the gems he’s discovered 

Mindfulness and Meditation Retreats For Everyone The Now Project
3 days / 2 nights


Fully inclusive: Prices are per person and include all teaching, workshops, and full board. 

Skill level: For everyone! Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

£100 deposit to secures your place – Balance due 28 days before the retreat

March 14th – 16th
May 9th -11th 
June 27th – 29th 
July 18th – 20th


A choice of accommodation for all budgets

Burwell House is lovely old stately home dating from the late 1700’s set in 3 acres of landscaped gardens including many specimen trees and an orchard. meadows and wildlife pond the building is well equipped with numerous showers and toilets two fabulous teaching rooms and lovely indoor and outdoor dining areas.

We have a range of accommodations to suit all budgets – Shared rooms for the same biological sex unless, of course, you come as a couple (shared deluxe or standard twin). We don’t use the top bunks! 

Shared room – £349

Shared Twin  £349 pp (private room for 2)

Deluxe Shared twin –   £429 pp (private room for 2)

Deluxe Single (We only have one) £459 

Prices are per person and include all teaching, workshops, full board and refreshment

Mindfulness and Meditation Retreats For Everyone The Now Project

"Life is not a problem to overcome, it's a wonderful gift for you to delight in"


All meals at our Mindfulness and Medition retreats are vegetarian with vegan and gluten-free options – Please advise of any food intolerances we need to cater for.

Mindfulness and Meditation Retreats For Everyone The Now Project
Mindfulness and Meditation Retreats For Everyone The Now Project


Burwell House, North Street, Burwell, Cambridgeshire, CB25 0BB
(Satnav postcode – CB25 0EF)

Getting There

Burwell House is located within the Fen edge village of Burwell, approximately 12 miles North East of Cambridge. We are within 10 minutes drive of the A11 and A14 – and are thus within an hours drive of most of East Anglia and the M25.

Burwell House is situated 20 minutes drive from Ely and Newmarket railway stations, 45 minutes drive from Stansted Airport and are on a bus route from Cambridge.

What's Included

Find peace of mind and a happier you – read what our guests say

Book now - You deserve it

£349 All-inclusive 3 days 2 nights

March 14-16 / May 9-11/ June 27-29/ July 18 -20
