Mindfulness for spiritual awakening

Some people will tell you that you can take the spirituality out of mindfulness,
that you can reduce it to a set of techniques or psychologist tool.

Well, they are wrong. You can't 

Many people come to mindfulness for real-world issues, stress, anxiety, depression and addictions or because of a major life upheaval and it is great for all of that. But when you have been practicing for a while you’ll realise that mindfulness isn’t about illness. It’s about the most important thing of all spiritual awakening and if you practice seriously, you’ll discover this for yourself

Wake from the dream

I would suggest to you that if you aren’t mindful you are asleep. You aren’t experiencing the world as it really is, – you are experiencing the world through the dream in your head.

The world you experience is filtered through your judgements, beliefs and past conditioning, your life experience is narrated and interpreted through the thoughts in your head. Everything is experienced through “the story of me” running in your head, like your own personal TV drama with you as the lead character.

Whether that is a nice drama a sad drama or a mixture of both you’ll be relieved to know that it’s not reality. it’s just a dream, it’s a world that exists in your head and your head only. Everyone has their own dream and they can be utterly convincing, but it’s a dream nonetheless.

We are here to help wake you up from the dream to come alive to life and experience the world as it really is, with all its magic and meaning and discover a profound depth to yourself and the world that is hidden from you by the dream in your head.

Mindfulness for spiritual awakening The Now Project

The Mindfulness paradox

A first glance the term mindfulness seems like a contradiction – surely mindfulness is about emptying the mind. Why is it called mindfulness?

The word mindfulness comes from Buddhism but the same realisation underpins all spiritual traditions. When the Buddha talked of mindfulness he was referring to the fullness of mind. The Buddha explained that everything is mind, even the rocks and stones are mind. Everything in material existence appears in the universal conscious mind – everything is mind. You are simultaneously a tiny fragment of that universal mind but also at the very core of your being, you are universal mind.

As your mind clears of thoughts you begin to access a higher level of mind you begin to perceive a more subtle dimension to reality and an intelligence far beyond the limits of understanding – You are accessing a fuller state of mind and ultimately the universal mind from which all creation arises, this is the spiritual dimension

Don’t believe me. Don’t believe anything – Beliefs are mental structure and part of the dream and an obstacle to awakening – The spiritual space I’m pointing you towards is only available to you when your mind is quiet and can only be known directly

We are here to help you know this for yourself and to know yourself as this

Mindfulness for spiritual awakening The Now Project

Spiritual retreats

All healing is spiritual healing—the cure for illness is wellness. We aren’t interested in your problems; our work is about raising your awareness above them.

It doesn’t matter how much money you have or how successful you think you are, it will never be enough. You will never be at peace or fulfilled until you discover your spiritual depth.

The Now Project retreats are designed to assist your spiritual awakening. Unbelievable healing happens mentally and sometimes physically, too. If I hadn’t seen it myself, I wouldn’t believe it either. Please take a look at our testimonials and real people real transformation podcasts


Satsang means sitting in the presence of truth. When you get a group of very present people together something interesting happens.  The thinking quietens and it becomes easy to be mindful. Clarity returns and wakefulness is restored. The combined energy of the group can be very powerful. and just being in the company of mindful people is transforming, raising the vibrational frequency of everyone present.


There are sound baths and there are sound baths. Steve and Simon have spent many years experimenting and developing their craft. Gongs, singing bowls and devotional singing raise the vibration and shifts happen


Steve has trained with masters and gurus and lived in Ashrams where has studied the mystical arts. He will introduce you to powerful meditation techniques that have been used for thousands of years by seekers of spiritual enlightenment