Butterfly Retreat

It’s so exciting to feel the energy building around this little project of ours and it really doesn’t seem to be falling into place at last. I sense that we’ve reached a tipping point now, that thepolarity is shifting and I’m finding that things that were such a struggle are now so effortless. There is still so much turbulence and the real white water is still some way ahead, but the flow is now with us and we are no longer swimming upstream. There’s a restlessness in the air at the moment and although you may not yet be aware of it yet, humanity is waking up on mass.

Butterfly Retreat The Now Project

meditation by the lake

There’s a lot being talked about mindfulness in the mainstream media of late, and a much sterilised, version is making its way into mainstream psychotherapy. But far more exciting for me is the general readiness that I’m sensing in the people I’m meeting. Many of you are ready now, many of you are feeling the restless and sensing that there is something missing – you are stirring from the dream that’s been weaved for you and starting to see things as they are. The darkness of the controling mind-set is coming into the light of our collective awareness and humanity is looking for a better way of living.

Butterfly Retreat The Now Project

If the great bunch of people we’ve had coming to the course in London and the retreat at Cocklewood are anything to go by some of you are waking up very quickly now. I can’t tell you how much I’m enjoying my work at the moment, to see people so troubled in their heads discovering the “off switch” and the peace  that it brings is a greatest privilege. It’s an absolute delight to be doing this work right now.

Butterfly Retreat The Now Project


At the course in London I’m witnessing complete beginners, who were totally lost in their story, realising in an instant that they are not their and entering a deep state of thoughtless awareness. Three weeks into their practice some of them are practically thoughtless for the full 90 minute session. It used to take many months of practice to even come close to this, I know I’m getting better at what I do, and I’m sure that’s part of it, but my sense is that the whole process of awakening is accelerating.

Butterfly Retreat The Now Project

the hut

The Meditation and Healing retreat at Cocklewood last weekend was amazing, everyone was right here, fully present and conscious for much of the weekend. No-one was at all interested in my pointless teaching preferring to sit in the energy of the retreat and surrounded by nature join the trees and wildlife in their

There was a point when I was sitting with Jan at the front of the hut, were both absorbed by the changing light as the clouds moved over the valley. A hundred thousand shades of green emanating from the trees. The willow near the lake sparkled in the light as the breeze turned the silver underside of the leaves towards the sun. We both felt ourselves melting into what we were witnessing, and for a moment I felt my form dissolve and all that was left was awareness, I was just the witnessing it’s self – the witness for a moment was gone!

Butterfly Retreat The Now Project

Outside the hut

Jan must have been sharing this little Satori because she broke the silence with her insight. “ I’ve been aware of the life emanating from the trees before” she said “ I get that quite a lot, but now I can see that the trees are life, that life is expressing it’s self right now and the trees are that expression, they are life! And although I can’t begin to really explain what I realised when she said that, I really got it. I really felt it… Thank you Jan

Butterfly Retreat The Now Project


In fact thank you everyone who came to the retreat and thank you everyone who comes to the groups in London, you are a joy to work I’ve posted a few pictures of the weekend on our Flikr page so you can see what we’ve been up to and if you too are feeling that restlessness and a desire for a better way of living why not come and join us? We’d love to see you . There’s a beginner’s retreat coming up soon at Cocklewood and a new Mindful in a Month course starting in London in couple of weeks. Get your name down quick because we are booked up fast!

Be present




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