Dragonfly Retreat
Thank you everyone who came to the retreat last weekend, it was a real joy to teach such a lovely group of people, and judging by the feedback, I know that you all got so much from the weekend too. After a bit of a damp start the weather once again played its part in by favouring us with warm sunshine and a gentle breeze. Thank you Jess, your veggie meals were a delightful mindful meditation in themselves and those cookies were divine -maybe it was the extra spoon full of love that went into the cookie dough!
Blue Bells
Someone described the weekend as “mind blowing” and they said that they had been changed by the experience; that what they had learned and the shift in awareness they had experienced over the weekend meant that they would never see things the same way again. If that it is really the case then I am absolutely delighted, because that is my intension. I want people to come away from Cocklewood changed forever.
Yes I want you to relax, to de-stress and forget your problems, but I also want to help you to “wake up”. I want you to wake up to life, to the richness and experience of really being alive unfiltered by the noise in your head. I want to introduce to you to part of yourself that you may not have known before, to connect with that silent infinite space within. I want to show you all that you are not the thoughts in your head and I want you know beyond doubt that you are infinitely more than that soap opera in your head.
the view
There is no time in Cocklewood, just the rhythms of life, night and day and the ever changing landscape reflecting the change of the seasons. It’s easy to forget clock time and to simply be here and now. Problems, worries, regrets, heartaches and resentments have no past and future to give them form and in the absence of time they seem to blow away with the breeze. I could see it dissolving in people as the weekend went on and by Sunday afternoon no-one seemed to have a care in the world. There were points during the meditation under the Oak tree when we all seemed to literally disappear and when I opened my eyes I swear you were all glowing in the dappled sunlight. I’ll post the photographs from the weekend on our Flckr page there is one of Jan meditating where she almost looks transparent. The air was still vibrating long after
leaves and light
Some of you at the end of the retreat were already asking when you could come back and we’ll be running another beginner’s retreat in early August – I’ll publish the details on the website soon. But what may be of more interest to you, at the end of July we’ll be doing something different, I’m hoping to do our first meditation and healing weekend, I’m not sure of the format yet but I want to bring some people together for a weekend of mindfulness, meditation, chi gong, and energy work with some teaching thrown in. I’ll keep you updated via the website.
Be present