Many of you have been requesting more regular masterclasses and emotional clearing sessions to help maintain your mindfulness, so here you go, here’s three dates for your diary
Next Class:
Tuesday 29th September – Mindfulness and the collective consciousness
Upcoming Classes:
Tuesday 13th October – Mindfulness and the power of conscious intention
Tuesday 27th October – Heal within and heal without – mindfulness for transformation
It’s really quite a challenge sometimes to be mindful in such an unmindful world. Recently several people have told me that get great benefit from the masterclasses and they find the support of the community and mindful attention that they find at these groups is invaluable to them. I suspect that one or two are also getting quite hooked on the emotional clearing meditation, but that’s not a bad problem to have because it’s really helps, and can be a real life saver when you are struggling with your emotions.
It is our intention is to do a masterclass every two weeks up until Christmas either on a Tuesday or Wednesday evening at the Hale clinic. We’ve booked 3 dates so and we’ll publish further dates soon. We are just awaiting confirmation of room availability.
In order to save on administration and Teresa’s valuable time, there is no need to book for the masterclass. Just turn up and pay on the door.
Cost £15 per class