Sunny Meadow Retreat
Thank you everyone who came to the retreat at the weekend, and in case you missed it – it was bloody brilliant!!. It’s hard work but three days later I’m still buzzing. It’s such a privilege to do this work and it never ceases to amaze me how many people I can fall in love with in one weekend.
Have you ever noticed how “presence” makes people beautiful, when we let go and let the light of awareness free our inner beauty shines through and I’ve seen people change in front of my very eyes. And that’s what happened at the weekend, I saw people smile who had forgotten how and laugh like mad things for no reason other than the relief of it all.
There were people at the retreat who had never had a seconds peace from their heads before and even if you got nothing from the weekend other than that, then it was a success because as one our guests can confirm (because she was on one of our retreats last year) that once you’ve had a glimpse there really is no going back, and she has taken that glimpse she has grown beyond measure in that year.
The weather played its part and we had glorious clouds and sunshine too. The meadow grass was the best for decades and it waved in the wind like a lush green sea, the grass heads shone purple in the in the light. And that’s why I’ve called this retreat the Sunny Meadow retreat because of the beautiful meadow and the beautiful sunny people. Thank you Richard for the improvements to the tepees, they are all nicely lined now and they all have fire pits. Don’t use the fire pit without opening the tepee top, Jason and I tried that.
Tonia’s food was out of this world again, so good in fact that one of the guests forgot that they didn’t like vegetarian food and had 3 helpings. Funny what our minds won’t allow us to enjoy isn’t it?
’ll put the photos from the weekend up on Flikr in the next day or so. We still have a couple of places left for July so be quick if and book now if you want to come. adrian